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These are just a few of the financial services we provide our clients in Florida. Our goal is to be your one source for everything financial, and we are adding even more services to help you within the next several months.

Life Insurance

We use life insurance for several reasons, the most popular being protection. The bread winner of the family usually has a policy in case of premature death to replace any lost income. We also love life insurance for its tax efficiency, leverage and its living benefits. Most people we sit with are funding their policies incorrectly. We educate our clients on how to pay the least for the greatest benefit.


Annuities are not for everyone; however, there are very specific situations where annuities work very well. Typically, when we sit with clients who have annuities, they don’t know why. It’s not uncommon to hear that someone recommended them for diversification. Additionally, income, long-term care riders and death benefits all might be reasons to consider fixed annuities. With all the different benefits and features out there, our advisors can educate you on which annuity might be right for your financial situation.

Wealth Transfer Planning

Our advisors educate our clients on how to position assets to transfer to beneficiaries as tax efficiently as possible when the time comes. Identifying tax-inefficient assets and using them as an engine to fund a more leveraged, larger estate can help ease the tax burden to beneficiaries.

Tax-Advantaged Retirement Solutions

Designing tax-efficient ways for our working clients to save money for retirement is one of our specialties. We put together programs that have savings guarantees, design flexibility and tax-free distribution when you need it most in retirement.

Long-Term Care Solutions

No one likes to think about getting sick. However, getting a little sick or a lot sick unfortunately is the reality for most. Because of the cost, it is also one of the biggest wealth killers, and the level of care one receives is largely due to what type of coverage you have. Traditional LTC policies can be great, but for a variety of reasons are not typically today’s solution. We educate our clients on how to get long-term care coverage at little-to-no cost to the client.

Wealth Management

Most clients “have a guy” who handles all their market positions. We understand that and play well in the sandbox with other advisors. We often have those variable market positions looked at by a second set of conservative eyes. The relationship we have with our wealth manager is predicated on understanding our clients' needs.

401(k) Plans for Business

Our advisors can educate business owners on the newest programs that allow them to create qualified retirement plans for their employees. Having these programs available for employees helps the business owner attract and retain top talent.

Health Insurance & Medicare

Our healthcare experts can navigate the confusing world of Medicare and health insurance. Their expertise and understanding of our clients help them simplify all available options.

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1640 NW 2ND AVE
PHONE: 561-717-4195